Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Revolving Door

Ok, so we all know I'm dealing with some psych issues - but what else is new.
Well I've finally decided to get back to taking care of myself and started seeing a few doctors to do so. I like almost all of them. Almost.
I see a therapist - and I love her. Pain management  - love her. Primary Dr. is tolerable.
I also get to see a MD. so he can prescribe needed meds for said mental issues. The first time I sat down with him was for a whopping 20 min. at most. Yeah, that's plenty of time to go over history and current issues. So I go on medication #1 and get sent on my way.
It's now a month later and I have decided I don't like this medication. So I make an appointment to see the Dr. to get it changed.
I try to explain to him what it is about this medication that I don't like. Now understand I probably was not using medical termination, but I try to describe things as best I can. He looks at me and says "well how else does it make you feel, because what you describe isn't the normal side effects of the medication." (I've since looked it up and described almost exactly the usual issues with this medication.) He then goes on to say " If I were a wizard, what changes can I make to make you feel better?"
Did I not just spend the last 3 minutes explaining this? (Besides the fact that he said what he said)
We then talk for a few minutes about an issue he thinks I have, which I know I don't. He thinks this because he's talked to me for all of 20 minutes a month ago. Oh and the 3 minutes that I just spent explaining the reasons I don't like the medication I'm on.
So he now tells me to stop medications #1 and we'll start #2 and to come back in a month. Oh and in the midst of talking about the new medication/old medication he asks if I've had my liver checked. No reason as to why, or if I need to keep an eye on it, or anything. But right back into describing new medication to try.

The whole appointment took 10 minutes, 15 at most.
 How am I supposed to trust what you want me to go on when it seems as though you didn't even look at my file. Or spend a reasonable time to talk to me.
Well, at least it gives me something to talk to the therapist about...................................

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