Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I am

I am.
Those two words can be so powerful. They can help build a person up or break them down so bad they can't find their way back up.
I am.....
Mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend.
Those are the easy ones to write. It's when I sit down and really start to think about who I am that it becomes a difficult thing. I am a lot of things, but I also realize that all these things have made me the person sitting here today.
I am.....
Bipolar, an addict, suicidal, survivor.
I am....
Tired, in pain, overweight, never good enough.
I am....
Tattooed, pierced, unique.
I am...
Learning to like myself again. Learning to accept myself again.
Learning - I like that one. It's one of the hardest things I am right now. It means to me that I don't know all the answers, even ones that only I can answer. I can only hope to keep learning along this path so that I can answer those questions one day.

You can use I am to be an excuse - I am sick, I am busy, etc.
You can use I am to express - I am mad, sad, happy.
You can use I am to lift - I am here for you, I am proud of you.

I am...

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